


2019/05/29「高松宮妃癌研究基金 第39回国際講演会」Dr. Elaine Fuchs
2018/11/30Regulation of cell fitness by cell competition during early mouse development and beyondDr. Tristan Rodriguez
2017/09/22Impaired paracrine FGF signalling in the insulin resistant liver: implications for chronic injury repair and epithelial remodelling.Dr. Luke Noon
2017/07/06ハエが教えてくれる抗がん剤のつくり方 -FLY me to amazing drugs!-Dr. Masahiro Sonoshita
2016/07/21p53標的遺伝子IER5は新規の低リン酸化型の活性化HSF1を作り出し、がん化を促進するDr. Rieko Ohki
2016/06/27生体の恒常性変容とがん進行の相互関係の解明ーショウジョウバエを用いた解析ーDr. Susumu Hirabayashi
2015/08/21Active tension and tissue homeostasis in epithelial health and cancer.Dr. Alpha Yap
2014/12/03Cell Fitness: From Basic Biology to Biomedical ResearchDr. Eduardo Moreno
2014/09/26インスリン作用のシステム生物学Dr. Sinya Kuroda
2014/06/04細胞がストレスを感じる仕組みと疾患 ~酸化ストレス、小胞体ストレス等を中心に~Dr. Hidenori Ichijo
2013/07/19PHLDA3遺伝子は神経内分泌腫瘍の新規がん抑制遺伝子であるDr. Rieko Ohki
2012/11/27MT1-MMP: a cell surface metalloproteinase that promotes cellular invasionDr. Yoshifumi Itoh
2012/10/15がん幹細胞モデルにおけるRBがん抑制遺伝子の新規機能Dr. Chiaki Takahashi
2012/07/06Cellular and molecular mechanisms that regulate directed and co-ordinated cell movements during zebrafish gastrulationDr. Masa Tada
2012/03/22Tissue refinement and the development of a robust, well-ordered tissue organisationDr. Buzz Baum
2011/11/07Blind cavefish as a model system fir studying adaptive evolutionDr. Yoshiyuki Yamamoto
2011/07/12Contact normalization: persuasion and compliance in a competitive environmentDr. Gary S Goldberg